PET-CT (Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography) is a scanning method that allows us to see how organs or tissues are functioning.
The body is imaged following the injection of a radioactive tracer (most commonly 18F-FDG, which goes to areas of the body in the same way as sugar).
This provides important information about many conditions and helps your doctor to plan your treatment for effectively.
Are there any side effects or risks?
The tracer we inject will not produce any side effects. You can continue with your usual daily activities. It will not make you drowsy and will not prevent you from driving.
In some cases the technologist will administer intravenous contrast through a vein in your arm, which will cause a warm flushing feeling. We will need to know if you have had an allergy to intravenous contrast in the past, or if you have had kidney disease. Please inform our clinic this before you arrive.
The benefits of the scan far outweigh any possible risk from radiation. Your referring doctor will have considered this carefully before asking us to carry out this examination.

Do I need to confirm my appointment?
Yes, please confirm if you are unable to attend.
If you have any other queries, please call us on 06 873 1166.
Please allow plenty of time to get to the clinic. It is vital that you arrive on time for your appointment as the radioactivity has a very short shelf life.